AI-Enabled Care Management Platform

Improve care coordination, reduce hospital visits and boost patient engagement

Populated with thousands of evidence-based, configurable algorithms and 100s of patient-specific clinical pathways.

Our AI-driven integrated care management platform CareSpace® follows the patients across the entire continuum of care and empowers the providers with the right information at the point of care.


Reduction in All-Cause 30-day readmission rate


Reduction in providers






Evidence-based built-in care pathways

Explore Persivia Specialty Care Models

Populated with thousands of evidence-based, configurable algorithms and 100s of patient-specific clinical pathways.

Our AI-driven integrated care management platform CareSpace® follows the patients across the entire continuum of care and empowers the providers with the right information at the point of care.


Reduction in All-Cause 30-day readmission rate


Reduction in providers






Evidence-based built-in care pathways

Explore Persivia Specialty Care Models

Care Management Platform

A Collaborative Approach to Integrated Care Delivery

By leveraging over a decade of experience in clinical rules engine and analytics, combined with deep

clinical content expertise, CareSpace® empowers you with the capability to have an integrated care

team that delivers coordinated care at an unprecedented scale.

Data integration

Incorporate all patient data (clinical, claims, patient-reported, device and socio-economic data) into a single longitudinal patient record. Get Realtime Access to data.

AI-driven insights & analytics

AI, Machine Learning & NLP help generate highly relevant patient-specific insights by mining unstructured
data & combining it with structured data

Personalized care plans

Capture information from disparate sources and auto generates patient specific, configurable Care Plans.

Point of care integration

Present patient specific evidence based clinical interventions at the point of care.

Risk stratification

AI enabled risk stratification capabilities that bring claims, clinical and social determinants of health data together.

Care gaps

AI-driven identification of clinical and service care gaps specific to each value-based care program.

Patient outreach

Facilitate patient Engagement using the portal and Apps. AI guided interactions, assessments and communication.

Workflow integration

Incorporates seamlessly with your existing operational workflows with minimal disruption.

Advanced cost and utilization analytics

Reduce Total Cost of Care, overall utilization, ED visits, referral outside the system.

Resource prioritization

Streamlined workflows for efficiency in managing Care Management resources.


Telehealth integration within the platform facilitates non face-to-face patient encounters with video calls and billing.

Multi-channel communication

Providers & patients can communicate with real-time text, audio and video call options.

Request a Demo

Book a Demo today to see how we can help you start exceeding your

Care Management goals.