Hospital Systems

Improve care delivery and patient outcomes while reducing the total cost of care.

CareSpace® provides the right set of data, analytics and care coordination tools to hospitals and health systems, enabling them to provide more informed, comprehensive care throughout the patient’s journey.

65% Reduction in Readmissions

All-cause, 30-day
for HCA Florida Oak Hill Hospital

$17 million in savings & 14.6% decrease

in re-admissions

Excel in the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM)

  • With Persivia’s Proven Expertise in Episodic Models
  • Leverage Persivia’s AI-driven platform, built on a track record of success in models like BPCI-A, to thrive under the new CMS TEAM model.
  • Persivia is your trusted partner for the new CMS TEAM model. With our advanced analytics, robust data infrastructure, and comprehensive care coordination tools, we help hospitals:
  • Identify and manage episodes proactively
  • Optimize costs without compromising quality
  • Enhance patient outcomes through personalized care plans
  • Ensure seamless care transitions and continuity
  • Compare performance against benchmarks

Ready to excel in the TEAM model?

Leverage Technology for Hospital Success

CareSpace® helps hospitals and health systems earn incentives,

improve clinical quality, reduce inefficiencies, and manage costs by

Request a Demo

Book a Demo today to see how we can help you start exceeding

your Hospital System goals.