Decoding the Matrix of ACO REACH

We’ll explore the synergies and differentiators of ACO reach and MSSP revealing the subtle nuances that set it apart. Buckle up as we hack into the benchmarks and navigate the Labyrinth of risk adjustment strategies all while exploring the red pill or blue pill decision for your organization – Is ACO reached the chosen path?

The video podcast discusses the ACO REACH program, comparing it with other healthcare models like MSSP and exploring its nuances. The conversation covers topics like the rebranding of the DCE model to ACO REACH, the importance of addressing social determinants of health, the choice between global and professional risk options, financial arrangements, patient care strategies, and the role of data in successful implementation.
Listen to get insights into how the Benchmark is calculated for ACO REACH, what’s MSR and MLR and practical advice for providers, such as addressing the cap on HCC risk and understanding patient alignment nuances.
Learn about the key components of ACO REACH Model Updates for 2024, exploring how they aim to increase predictability for model participants, safeguard against inappropriate risk score growth, and propel advancements in health equity.